Wildflower Ride

So I did a little 300 (or so) mile ride last Sunday. Big thanks to Cindy (Chatterbox) on TWTex for organizing. I’ve been pretty busy this week and didn’t even look at my pictures until earlier today. Cindy posted a nice trip report here. At least *someone* has been on top of things, eh?

Lessee…. We met up at Denny’s in Hempstead for breakfast at 8:00 but didn’t end up leaving until almost 9:30 because people kept showing up and asking if they had time for a “bite to eat”. The group grew to a healthy 10 bikes including one 2-up couple.

“The Big Spank Daddy” led us out through various small towns and mildly twisty roads. We first headed west, and then south under I10. I’m still not quite sure where I am when out on these rides, and it doesn’t really mean anything to most of the people reading this. I’ll post a map once I take the time to grab it off the gps.

I would like to note that not long after passing I10 there was a section of road with 3 or 4 uphill sweepers. For just a minute or two, it felt like California’s Highway 9. Then it was back to Texas’ mild twisties.

We had lunch in some small Texas town (Weimar?) at the Bel Aire Diner. The food was fine, but I really hoped that the dilapidated looking Bel Aire Motel next door was defunct.

Now for the pics. BTW, most of these are max 800 pixels in one direction, but display smaller on the blog. If you copy/paste the pic link into a browser window, you’ll get the full size. Of course, I have much larger versions of each, but I don’t like to post huge files.

Bikes stopped by field of yellow flowers:

Farmhouse & white flowers

R1200ST with bluebonnets, indian paintbrush and poppies (?)

Bison! And the tractor. Can’t forget the tractor.

My favorite!

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